Monday, December 31, 2012

This years sacrifice to Herne

 this years sacrifice to Herne is in the form of a cat made of seed.
i found a three dimensional cake tin at value village what a score just in time for this years sacrificial cat.
back in the day the sacrificed real cats, then they made cakes in shapes of cats (when things were less rowdy.)
seed cat is good for all  the birds get to have a go at a cat, in a safe and fun recreational fashion.
Seed Cat.
blessed be the new year for one and all.

Sunday, December 30, 2012

Rude Waffle

                Boxing day
 the previous days uneaten pancake batter became thin waffles on boxing day. Tiggy found this all very offensive and wanted to do his part by destroying such an offensive waffle. i tried to tell him it was just a word like any other word- no strength other then in how it is used.
alas he was not consoled.
he was truly sickened by the whole thing and after wards suffered terrible gas as he dreamt of the horrible horrible word inside his belly.
he was very happy the following am to crap out the f**k.
it was in the end less offensive coming out then it was on the plate, so said tiggy.

Sunday, December 23, 2012

Saturday, December 15, 2012

shadow portrait at abandoned motel

one of my favorite stop overs between grand coulee and spokane was this ex motel (also ex cafe, gas station and shop.) when there is abandonment there always seems to be tires as well and this spot was no exception, lots of tires some more photos can be seen here at this life in ruins

Tuesday, December 11, 2012

TWo Story Poles , Riverside Park, Spokane

 the top one is my favorite.
take away the camera he could be bowing down in honour of this totem pole.
but he has the stance of a digital photographer look i dont even have to put my face to the camera....
it was a good ten years ago my niece and nephew wondered where the screen was on the back of my film camera- giving it the look as if it was the most rubbish thing ever for not immediately showing you the image...
my daughter is yet to learn an appreciation of film ...
i am working on setting up a dark room i need a surface  and the chemicals , some bulk film may be nice....
can i give magic to a process that doesn't provide immediate satisfaction?
am i just out of date..

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Steptoe butte portrait of a plucked chicken

so a shady self portrait or a plucked chicken i see the wings featherless and flightless, whats a de feathered chicken doing 3,00 feet up in the palouse? i sure don't know.